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Minister of Environment and Protected Areas Rebecca Schulz and Minister of Affordability and Utilities Nathan Neudorf issued the following statements on the federal government’s clean electricity system discussion paper:

“Today, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Jonathan Wilkinson released a paper reannouncing a host of new investment tax credits and programs for renewable electricity projects and technology upgrades.

“Under normal circumstances, this would be welcome news. Unfortunately, the federal government has a track record of announcing tax credits and programs and then failing to follow through.

“The amount of funding announced today, approximately $40 billion, is also a pittance compared with the estimated $1.7 trillion in funding that would be required to fully transition the grid by 2035.

“Alarmingly, reports indicate that Minister Wilkinson and Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada Steven Guilbeault are considering prohibiting access to these funds, should they ever become available, to provinces that will not commit to their unrealistic 2035 timeline. This would obviously penalize the provinces most in need of assistance in transitioning to a carbon-neutral grid, including Alberta.

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