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Minister Vandal opens new PrairiesCan service location and announces federal investments in Manitoba's Westman region

The Westman region is an economically diversified area of southwestern Manitoba. It includes vibrant education, agriculture, food processing, manufacturing, and petroleum industries as well as significant tourism opportunities as a beautiful region of the province. As such, the region is a major contributor to the overall prosperity of Manitoba. Prairie regions like Westman have unique needs and perspectives. The Government of Canada is continuing to enhance a community-based approach to economic development and is responding to the requests of business and community leaders for greater PrairiesCan presence in more places across the Prairies.

Today, the Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs, Minister responsible for PrairiesCan and Minister responsible CanNor Agency officially opened one of seven new PrairiesCan service locations. The new location in Brandon will bring a sharper focus to southwestern Manitoba's unique economic development opportunities. It complements PrairiesCan's long-standing Winnipeg office and new Thompson location, which opened in August to serve economic development needs in northern Manitoba.

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Video: Market Journal - Markets Special

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