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Minnesota Crops Holding Up Pretty Good Heading Into Fall Season

Minnesota Crops Holding Up Pretty Good Heading Into Fall Season

By Paul Huttner

I have a ton of respect for Minnesota farmers. Putting your living on the line at the whims of our Minnesota weather and climate takes guts and planning. And a little weather luck.

This year started cold and wet. Then summer hit hard, with hotter than average temperatures and rainfall as much as seven inches below average in many locations in June and July. August brought merciful rains, and temperatures close to average.

Here are some highlights from this week’s update.

  • 65 percent of Minnesota corn is in good (49 percent) to excellent (16 percent) condition.

  • 66 percent of soybeans are in good (53 percent) to excellent (13 percent) condition.

  • 78 percent of sugar beets are in good (22 percent) to excellent (56 percent) condition.

  • 85 percent of Minnesota wheat is in good (79 percent) to excellent (six percent) condition.

Dry week ahead

Several locations got significant rainfall last weekend.


Skies will be mostly sunny and dry across Minnesota this week. NOAA’s 7-day precipitation outlook shows dry conditions from Minnesota westward.


Highs will be mostly in the 70s to low 80s across central and southern Minnesota this week.

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