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Minnesota Farmers Head to San Diego for SFY Trip

The biofuels industry – especially as it relates to biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel – is accelerating at a rapid pace. Farmers and fuel industry representatives from around Minnesota will get a chance to learn about the industry’s potential during the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council’s (MSR&PC) annual See for Yourself (SFY) trip to the Clean Fuels Conference Jan. 20-23 in San Diego.  

“For the people we have going, they have the opportunity to see what’s happening in the markets, what opportunities can present themselves, help solve problems for those looking to expand their interest in biodiesel and connect those in the industry,” said Mike Youngerberg, MSR&PC senior director of product development and commercialization. 

The Clean Fuels Conference, which is hosted by Clean Fuels Alliance America, connects key players of the biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel industry. It features expert sessions, exhibits and showcases. Attendees include clean fuels producers and marketers, distributors, feedstock providers, fleet managers, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), ESG officers and media.  

The theme for this year’s conference is “Accelerate,” which works in conjunction with the rapid acceleration of the biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel industry. The California location of this year’s conference highlights the Golden State’s complicated status as both a leader and roadblock within the biofuels industry.  

“California has been a good example and a bad example for biodiesel,” said Youngerberg. “They historically have utilized biodiesel and renewable diesel as their main mechanism for reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout the state. However, they have more recently been developing policy that would put a cap on certain feedstocks, specifically soybeans, that are used in the state.”  

In addition to Youngerberg, attending the Clean Fuels Conference on behalf of MSR&PC will be District 1,2 & 3 Director Bill Zurn from Callaway; District 8 Director Rochelle Krusemark from Sherburne; District 5 & 6 Director Joe Serbus, who farms in Bird Island; United Soybean Board (USB) Director Director Lawrence Sukalski from Fairmont; and Clean Fuels board member Chris Hill from Brewster. MSR&PC District 7 Director Ron Obermoller, who also farms in Brewster, is attending on behalf of the Minnesota Soybean Processors.  

“The Clean Fuels Conference offers some great educational panels with important content, especially as it pertains to what’s happening in Washington,” Sukalski said. “And for those participating that aren’t as well-versed, the SFY trip offers a good crash course on the renewable fuels industry so they can soak in all that information.”  

Sukalski said that a big part of the conference is learning about the latest in sustainable aviation fuel, which is expected to play a major role in growth in the biodiesel industry in the year ahead.   

“We certainly have our challenges ahead of us, but the bright spot in biofuels is sustainable aviation fuel,” said Sukalski, who also sits on the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association, which advocates for pro-biofuels legislation in St. Paul and Washington, D.C.

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