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Minnesota Grower Discusses Farm Life In New Syngenta Video

Fourth-generation Minnesota grower and long-time Halex® GT corn herbicide user Todd Schwarz is the subject of a new video exploring life on his Vernon Center, Minnesota, farm.
Video viewers receive a personalized glimpse into Schwarz’s daily farm-life routine and how it defines him as a grower. He speaks to the changes he’s witnessed since he began farming and the legacy he hopes to leave behind.
The biggest changes to Schwarz’s operation have come in the form of new farm technology. “Farming is not as labor intensive as it used to be because of technology,” said Schwarz. “The equipment is bigger and better, and the yields are higher as well. You can do more work in a shorter period of time, but the work is much more technical, and time management is very important.”
One constant on the farm, however, has been Halex GT. “We were the first ones in our area to use Halex GT,” Schwarz said. “You can put it out there, and it’s almost worry-free. It’s just that good.”
Today, he is just as impressed with the performance of Halex GT as he was when he first used it. “Halex GT is a tool that is almost a guaranteed slam dunk for me as far as consistency year in and year out,” he said. “I wish it was all that easy.”
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