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Missing Reports

By Brenda Boetel
Last week appeared to bring no movement toward a resolution regarding the partial government shutdown. As such, several reports were not available, including the World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates, Quarterly Grain Stocks, Winter Wheat and Canola Seedings and weekly export sales. Next week will see the absence of the Livestock Slaughter and Cattle on Feed report, and if this shutdown goes into February, the semi-annual Cattle report will be affected.
The markets will continue to make assumptions about the content of these missing reports. The longer the lack of information prevails, the greater the market correction may be when the reports resume, especially if the reports say something different than the market assumed. The cattle markets care about last week’s missing reports, because they gave the final information on the size of the 2018 corn harvest, the speed in which corn is being used, and the first hint of information regarding how many acres of each crop will be planted in 2019. The market is trading on old-information, a less-than-desirable situation.
The WASDE report likely would have shown a decrease in 2018 corn yield. Additionally, poor harvest conditions affected acreage as well as yield. The USDA would likely have lowered 2018 corn production from 14.626 billion bushels to around 14.545 billion bushels. The February report will begin to adjust the demand side of the equation and examine more closely whether usage estimates for ethanol or exports needs to be adjusted.
Corn demand appears to be strong, with exports appearing to be greater than USDA expectations and feed and residual usage likely up. Ethanol production has been low, but strength in other usage likely makes up for the lower ethanol production. The overall impact of these demand factors would likely have USDA keep usage constant in February.
As the year progresses, we will need information on acreage intentions to get a glimpse into long-term corn prices, but for now, expect corn price to continue to behave seasonally and increase until mid-April/early-May.

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