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Mizzou Field Days Set for Sites Across State

By Shannon Beck and Julie Harker

Producers and the public are invited to save the dates for the following regional events in which extension specialists and researchers from the University of Missouri share their agricultural findings.

From August through October, events are planned across the state at Extension and Education Centers (EECs), administered by MU Extension, and at Research, Extension and Education Centers (REECs) that comprise the MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR) Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station.

Extension and Education Center field days

  • Tuesday, Aug. 27 — Graves-Chapple EEC Field Day near Rock Port. The focus will be new technologies in digital agriculture, including drones and sensors.
  • Thursday, Sept. 4 (4-8 p.m.) — Hundley-Whaley Farm, Field and Family Day at Hundley-Whaley EEC, Albany. Producers and their families and friends are invited. Supper will be provided.
  • Thursday/Friday, Oct. 3-4 — Wurdack Producer Field Days at Wurdack EEC, Cook Station. The theme will be alternative forage options for the Ozarks, including summer and winter annual forages and warm- and cool-season grasses for cattle.

Research, Extension and Education Centers field days

  • Thursday, Aug. 1 (7 a.m.-noon) — Northern Missouri REEC Field Day at Lee Greenley Jr. Memorial Farm near Novelty. Complimentary breakfast will be served 7-8 a.m., followed by interactive farm tours with faculty and graduate students. Topics include crops, pest management and livestock. Lunch will be provided.
  • Thursday, Aug. 23 (8 a.m.-noon) — MU Ag Research Expo at Fisher Delta REEC in Portageville. Attendees can take part in interactive, hands-on discussions with research faculty, graduate students, staff and industry partners; take a self-guided tour of research fields; and visit industry partner booths. Grab-and-go lunch will be provided.
  • Thursday, Sept. 19 (10 a.m.–3 p.m.) The Southwest REEC near Mount Vernon, Mo., will host a Public Field Day and Career Exploration Day. Producers and area high school students can tour the research farm and visit with CAFNR faculty, MU Extension specialists and industry experts about advances in agricultural research and the wide variety of agricultural career paths available.
  • Saturday, Sept. 28 — CAFNR Showcase at South Farm in Columbia. Formerly known as South Farm Showcase, this family-friendly event is back.

MU Extension can help farmers take part in the goal of doubling the economic impact of agriculture by 2030 while sustaining natural resources. #2xAg2030. CAFNR research covers almost 14,000 acres across Missouri to help meet the needs of farmers and producers in each region of the state.

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