MN Ag Expo 2025, the premier winter event for the state’s corn and soybean farmers, is complete! It was an eventful two days at the annual show in Mankato, which is hosted by Minnesota Corn and Minnesota Soybean, with farmers enjoying education sessions, networking, demonstrations, a tradeshow and more.
Below is a summary of the event:
Annual meetings
A centerpiece of the event is the annual meetings for the Minnesota Corn Growers Association (MCGA) and Minnesota Soybean Growers Association. MCGA held its resolution session and annual meeting on the first day of MN Ag Expo, and MSGA held its annual meeting on the second day.
MCGA began the gathering with its resolution session, during which delegates held a grassroots discussion about the organization’s policy priorities and finalized its 2025 resolutions book. At the annual meeting, delegates re-elected Dana Allen-Tully, Jim Kanten, and D.J. VanKlompenburg to the MCGA board and elected James Johnstad, Gregg Muehler, and Nathan Serbus to the board for the first time. Johnstad raises corn, wheat, soybeans, and sugar beets in Polk County, Muehler raises corn and soybeans in Traverse County, and Serbus raises corn and soybeans in Renville County.
MCGA farmer-leaders also recognized several farmers and ag allies with awards. Allen-Tully received the Gavel Plaque Award in recognition of her service as MCGA president in 2024, Kent Thiesse received the Friend of Agriculture Award in honor of his decades of service to Minnesota’s ag industry, and Tom Haag received the Golden Kernel Award for his 14 years as a member of the MCGA and NCGA board. Additionally, Minnesota Corn Executive Director Adam Birr recognized Public Policy Manager Alex Trunnell for reaching five years with the organization and recently retired District Field Manager Marlene Dufault for her 11 years with the organization.
Trade show floor
MN Ag Expo featured a full trade show, and Minnesota Corn was once again an active presence at the event. Farmer-leaders were on hand throughout the two days at the Minnesota Corn trade show booth to highlight the latest in MCGA grassroots activities and Minnesota corn checkoff-funded research and activities. Farmer-leaders also handed out special MN Ag Expo giveaway items to attendees, including a special prize for farmers who filled out a short survey.
Once again near the Minnesota Corn booth was the Minnesota corn checkoff researcher area. Throughout MN Ag Expo, farmers and scientists whose work is funded through the checkoff were on hand to present their projects to Expo-goers. You can learn more about those projects here.
Panel discussions, keynote speeches, and more
Other highlights of MN Ag Expo included a series of panel discussions and keynote speeches. Day one featured a discussions on grain marketing and a panel with leaders from the state Departments of Agriculture and Natural Resources along with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Commissioner Katrina Kessler.
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