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MN Farmers Shake Off Rain, Eye End of Planting Season

Even with the rain that regions of Minnesota saw in late May (and for much of the month), farmers are enduring the precipitation and wrapping up planting season.  

The question is, will this cause farmers to have to replant? 

“When we could have started planting it was a little bit cool, so I decided to wait. We haven’t had to replant anything yet, so we will see,” Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council (MSR&PC) Vice Chair Gail Donkers of Faribault said. 

Donkers is optimistic about this year’s planting season, even with the heavy rain her farm received on May 21. She’s excited to complete planting her 2024 crop.   

A little farther east in Olmsted County, MSR&PC Treasurer Ben Storm weighed in on staying dry. 

“With us not being too wet, I am hoping to be able to spray this week,” he said. “We are off to a great start this season.”  

With lower moisture levels in areas throughout the state, some farmers can start spraying soon.  

In Redwood County, American Soybean Association Director Adam Guetter reported that his area faced a short timeframe to plant their crop.  

“We had three tight windows to get the crops in this year,” he said. “Hopefully conditions will be good, and we also have a safe growing season.” 

Guetter added that planting conditions were much better in the area this year. 

“We had some really nice soft rains over the last couple of weeks, but last year we were in the bad spot and got eight inches of rain in the first week of May,” he said.  

Norman County farmer Corey Hanson was recently elected to the MSR&PC and has been dealing with rain almost every day the last week. 

“Unfortunately, I have not been able to start planting soybeans yet,” said Hanson, who’s currently also a director with the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association. 

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