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More Priority Needed On Agricultural Issues

The Western Canadian Wheat Growers feels there hasn't been enough focus on Agriculture during Saskatchewan's Provincial Election campaign.
Chair Darryl Fransoo says they sent a questionnaire out to each of the registered parties on September 24th but unfortunately they only heard back from two parties.
He notes if the others respond they will update the information.
Fransoo says the questionnaire covered six key areas.
1. What is your party’s position on free and competitive markets in international trade, including the elimination of export subsidies, reduction of trade-distorting domestic support, and reducing tariffs and non-tariff barriers that inhibit market access?
2. What is your party’s position on the grain transportation system and the ability to move grain to export market in an accountable and efficient manner, considering possible future overcrowding on the rail system?
3. What is your party’s position on the development of agricultural innovations that make farmers more profitable and sustainable, with a science-based regulatory approval process for the introduction of new technologies, including the adoption of genetically modified crops?
4. What is your party’s position on a carbon pricing system, including on a credit and debit system that acknowledges the significant carbon reductions being achieved by prairie grain growers through farming techniques and sequestering?
5. As the next provincial government, what would your top priorities be for farmers and the agriculture industry in Saskatchewan?
6. Modern agriculture depends upon the rapid flow of data. Access to high-speed broadband is lacking in most parts of rural Saskatchewan. What is your party’s position on building a reliable, fast broadband network across the province?
Fransoo encourages producers to make their voice heard and get out and vote.
He notes it's important to do your own due diligence.
"Get a hold of your local candidates and make sure that you tell them that agriculture is important and see what they have to say about it."
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