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More Support for Farmers Impacted by Extreme Weather, Wildfires in 2023

Farmers and other agricultural producers recovering from losses and damage due to the extreme weather or wildfires during the spring and summer of 2023 can now access new funding from the Province.

“Wildfires, floods, ongoing rain and wet conditions took their toll on agriculture, leaving thousands of hectares of damage, including extensive crop and yield loss,” said Agriculture Minister Greg Morrow. “Agriculture is essential to feed our families and maintain a healthy provincial food supply. This new funding will help fruit, vegetable, berry and forage farmers as they recover and plan for the upcoming season.”

The 2023 Season Response Program builds on other business risk management programs that were available last year. The new program is intended to help those still recovering or who were not covered by the other support programs.

The new program covers crop damage and yield loss that was a direct result of flooding, excessive precipitation or wildfire damage. Other losses such as farm infrastructure, supply losses and the cost of re-establishing fields may qualify and will be considered.

This program supports the government’s mandate to increase local food consumption and the percentage of Nova Scotians’ food budget spent on locally grown and produced foods.

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