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More Than 50 4-H'ers Compete in Annual State Dairy Show

By Wendy Sorrell

Months of practicing with their dairy animals to show in competitions paid off for several Vermont 4-H’ers who won championships at the 2023 State 4-H Dairy Show, August 14. 

The show, which attracted 52 exhibitors, ages 11 to 18, was held at the Caledonia County Fairgrounds in Lyndonville. University of Vermont (UVM) Extension 4-H sponsored the event, which was judged by Steve Glaude, Compton, Quebec, and Kelly Reynolds, Reyncrest Farm in Corfu, New York.

The first event was the fitting and showing classes, where the 4-H’ers were ranked according to how well they presented and handled their animals. In addition to winning ribbons for placements in their age division, the first- and second--place winner in each of the age groups then competed for the Senior (14-18) and Junior (11-13) champion showperson award.

Erica Goodhue, Fairfield (age 17), was named the Senior Fitting and Showing Champion. Others in the running for this championship were Hailey Chase, Bristol (age 14); Samuel Luis (age 14) and Morgan White (age 17), both from Whiting; Gabriel Michaud, East Hardwick (age 16);  Morgan Michaud, East Hardwick (age 15); Natalie Michaud, Greensboro Bend (age 15); Michael Plouffe, Bridport (age 18); Liviya Russo, Lunenburg (age 16); and Lorryn Trujillo, North Clarendon (age 18).

Competing for the Junior Fitting and Showing Championship were Caroline Allen, Ferrisburgh (age 12); Natalie Hill, Greensboro (age 13); Jordan Hutchins, Orwell (age 11); Bayden McAllister, Morrisville (age 11); Bella Roell, New Haven (age 13); and Ava Wood, Shoreham (age 12). Caroline was named the Junior Champion Showperson.

Both champions received a rosette ribbon and trophy, the latter sponsored by Diane Norris of Shoreham, a long-time supporter of this dairy show.

Following the fitting and showing competitions, the exhibitors took part in conformation classes, which were arranged by breed and age of the animal. Scoring was based on the physical structure, condition and appearance of the animal.

Winners of the breed championships were as follows:

  • AYRSHIRE — Senior Champion and Grand Champion: Leah Rogers, Randolph Center, with her three-year-old cow; Junior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion: Liviya Russo, Lunenburg, with her winter yearling; Junior Reserve Champion: Bella Roell, New Haven, with her winter calf. Honorable Mention: Bella Roell, New Haven, with her winter calf.
  • BROWN SWISS--Junior Champion and Grand Champion: Tenley Chittenden, Whiting, with her fall calf; Reserve Junior Champion: Bayden McAllister, Morrisville, with his summer yearling. Honorable Mention: Brailey Livingston, New Haven, with her spring yearling
  • GUERNSEY — Junior Champion and Grand Champion: Sylvia Johnson, Tunbridge, with her spring calf. Reserve Grand Champion: Sylvia Johnson, Tunbridge, with her fall calf.
  • HOLSTEIN — Senior Champion: Haley Michaud, East Hardwick, with her two-year-old cow. Reserve Senior Champion: Natalie Hill, Greensboro, with her two-year-old cow. Junior Champion and Grand Champion: Erica Goodhue, Fairfield, with her winter calf. Reserve Junior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion, Emma Deering, Middlebury, with her spring yearling. Honorable Mention: Haley Michaud, East Hardwick, with her two-year-old cow.
  • JERSEY — Senior Champion and Grand Champion: Isabella Wilbur, Orwell, with her two-year-old cow. Reserve Senior Champion: Peyton Ball, New Haven, with his three-year-old cow. Junior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion: Brailey Livingston, New Haven, with her winter calf. Reserve Junior Champion: Caroline Allen, Ferrisburgh, with her spring yearling. Honorable Mention: Peyton Ball, New Haven, with his three-year-old cow.

The Vermont Jersey Breeders Association presented a championship ribbon, certificate and a brand-new show halter to Isabella Wilbur for being named Grand Champion.

In addition, several special awards were presented at the dairy show including the Ed Gould Award, which goes to an adult who demonstrates strong leadership and support of the Vermont 4-H dairy program. This year’s recipient is Sean Somers, Lyndonville, a co-leader of the Squabble Hollow 4-H Club, who has served for more than 10 years on the Vermont State Dairy Committee and more than 20 on the Caledonia County 4-H Foundation Board. He has also chaperoned two 4-H trips to the World Dairy Expo in Wisconsin.

Torrey Hanna, Addison, received the John Knapp Memorial Award, which is given to the 4-H'er who achieved the highest overall individual score at the annual Vermont 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Contest held in March. Knapp was the Vermont 4-Hdairy quiz bowl team coach for many years and was instrumental in developing the original Vermont 4-HDairy Record Book. 

Show sponsors included the Caledonia Fair Association, the Caledonia 4-H Foundation, the State 4-H Dairy Committee, Farm Credit East and several Caledonia and Orleans County businesses.

To learn more about the UVM Extension 4-H dairy program, contact Wendy Sorrell, UVM Extension 4-Hlivestock educator, at

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