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Morningglory Control In Soybeans

By Chris Tyson
You can see several pitted morningglories coming up in these twin row soybeans.
You can see several pitted morningglories coming up in these twin row soybeans.
Its never too early to think about controlling morningglory.
In the picture above and below, you can see pitted morningglory coming up in soybeans that were just planted.  These will need to be controlled early on so they don’t take over the soybeans.  They can become a big problem later in the season.  In Roundup Ready Soybeans, glyphosate alone is often not enough to control them, so other products can be tank-mixed with it to help.  Here’s a chart from the 2015 Georgia Soybean Production Guide about products to mix with glyphosate to help with morningglory control:
Potential Tank-Mixes with Glyphosate to Improve Morningglory Control in Roundup Ready Soybeans



Classic 25DF

0.25 – 0.33 ozs

Firstrate 84WDG

0.15 – 0.30 ozs

Resource 0.86 EC

4 ozs

Please consult your extension agent about the proper timing and growth stage of soybeans for these herbicide mixtures.  As always, please follow all pesticide labels.
Several pitted morningglory coming up in soybeans.
Several pitted morningglory coming up in soybeans.

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