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Most Crops Mature As Farmers Shift Into Harvest Mode In Latest USDA Crop Progress Report

Most Crops Mature As Farmers Shift Into Harvest Mode In Latest USDA Crop Progress Report

The latest USDA Crop Progress report is showing very little change in conditions from the previous week.

Farmers are moving into harvest mode for corn, soybeans and grain sorghum with cotton close behind.

Winter wheat plantings are rapidly advancing with some acres starting to emerge.

In the 18 major corn producing states, 8 percent of the crop has been harvested which is 2 points behind the 5-year average.

The corn crop condition is rated at 61 percent good to excellent, 25 percent fair and 14 percent poor to very poor.

Soybean harvest stands at 6 percent in the 18 major states which is right on the average for this time of year.

The soybean crop condition is rated 63 percent good to excellent, 27 percent fair and 10 percent poor to very poor.

Approximately 11 percent of the U.S. cotton crop has been harvested, which is one percent ahead of the normal.

The cotton crop condition is rated at 45 percent good to excellent (same as last week), 28 percent fair and 27 percent poor to very poor.

Grain sorghum farmers have harvested 27 percent of the crop, 2 points behind normal.

The crop condition is rated at 51 percent good to excellent, 31 percent fair and 17 percent poor to very poor.

There has been a slight improvement in pasture and range conditions this week as they are rated 27 percent good to excellent (24 percent last week), 32 percent fair and 41 percent poor to very poor.

Farmers have planted 20 percent of their winter wheat acres and 3 percent of the acres have emerged, both are about normal for this time of year.

To view the U.S. crop progress report, click here.

For Oklahoma, winter wheat planted reached 15 percent, down 2 points from the previous year but unchanged from normal.

The Oklahoma corn crop maturity reached 68 percent, up 24 points from the previous year and up 2 points from normal.

Corn harvested reached 20 percent, up 2 points from the previous year but down 10 points from normal.

The Oklahoma corn crop is rated 69 percent good to excellent, 27 percent fair and 4 percent poor.

Grain sorghum harvested reached 10 percent, up 1 point from the previous year but down 10 points from normal.

The crop is rated 28 percent good to excellent, 39 percent fair and 33 percent poor to very poor.

The Oklahoma soybean crop is rated 71 percent good to excellent, 22 percent fair and 7 percent poor.

The cotton crop is rated 37 percent good, 62 percent fair and 1 percent poor.

The fourth cutting of alfalfa hay reached 80 percent, up 5 points from the previous year and up 12 points from normal.

The fifth cutting of alfalfa hay reached 6 percent, up 6 points from the previous year and up 6 points from normal.

The second cutting of other hay reached 85 percent, unchanged from the previous year but up 3 points from normal.

The third cutting of other hay reached 30 percent, down 9 points from the previous year and down 1 point from normal.

Oklahoma pasture and range conditions are rated 50 percent good to excellent, 35 percent fair and 15 percent poor to very poor.

To view thee Oklahoma report, click here.

In Kansas, winter wheat planted was 14 percent, near 12 percent for both last year and the five-year average.

Wheat acres emerged was 1 percent, near 2 percent both last year and average.

Kansas corn condition rated 54 percent good to excellent, 30 percent fair and 16 percent poor to very poor.

Approximately 67 percent of the Kansas corn crop is mature, ahead of 55 percent last year, and equal to average.

Kansas corn farmers have harvested 16 percent of their acres, equal to last year, and behind 22 percent average.

The soybean crop condition was rated 45 percent good to excellent37 percent fair and 18 percent poor to very poor.

Kansas soybean acres harvested was 2 percent, near 1 percent average.

Grain sorghum condition rated 59 percent good to excellent, 32 percent fair and 9 percent poor to very poor.

Approximately 32 percent of the crop is mature, ahead of 18 percent last year, and near 28 percent average.

Harvested acres of Kansas grain sorghum was 2 percent, equal to last year, and near 5 percent average.

Cotton condition rated 48 percent good to excellent, 41 percent fair and 11 percent poor to very poor.         

Kansas pasture and range conditions were rated 37 percent good to excellent,38 percent fair and25 percent poor to very poor.

To view the Kansas crop progress report, click here.

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