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Most of the Province is Experiencing Above-Average Seeding Progress

According to the province’s latest crop report, warmer than normal temperatures over much of the province has provided an opportunity for an early start to the 2024 crop year.

As of right now, 18 per cent of all crops provincially have been seeded, which is ahead of both the five-year and 10-year averages of 12 per cent. Seeding progress is ahead of the five-year average in all regions, with the Peace Region, the Central Region, and the South Region the furthest ahead of normal. Reports suggest that seeding began in the province in mid-April and note that, while soil temperatures remain cool, recent operations are motivated by anticipated widespread rains across the province this week, followed by warmer temperatures next week.

In Region One (South), which includes areas like Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, and Foremost, seeding progress for major crops stands at 40% complete, surpassing the five-year average. Sub-surface moisture is reported as predominantly fair to good, with fall-seeded crop conditions ranging from fair to excellent. Tame hay conditions vary from poor to excellent.

Region Two (Central), encompassing Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, and Oyen, indicates seeding progress at 14%, also above the five-year average. Sub-surface moisture is generally fair to good, with fall-seeded crop conditions predominantly good to excellent. Tame hay conditions range from poor to good.

In Region Three (North East), including areas like Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, and Provost, seeding progress is at 3%, slightly ahead of the five-year average. Sub-surface moisture is mainly fair to good, while tame hay conditions vary from poor to excellent.

Region Four (North West), which covers Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, and Athabasca, reports seeding progress at 4%, again exceeding the five-year average. Sub-surface moisture is fair to good, with tame hay conditions ranging from poor to fair.

Lastly, in Region Five (Peace), consisting of Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, and Valleyview, seeding progress stands at 18%, significantly surpassing the five-year average. Sub-surface moisture is mostly fair to good, with tame hay conditions varying from poor to fair.

Overall, most regions are experiencing above-average seeding progress with generally fair to good moisture conditions, though there are some variations in crop and hay conditions across regions.

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AgTech Innovation at Canada's Outdoor Farm Show

Video: AgTech Innovation at Canada's Outdoor Farm Show

Welcome to Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show AgTech Breakfast. This annual Ontario outdoor farm show has always been a place where innovation thrives.

The AgTech Breakfast takes place every September to create a space where farmers and representatives from startup companies can meet and discuss innovations that bring new options to the agriculture industry. This is a great opportunity for attendees of this event to see what’s new.

At the AgTech Breakfast, attendees hear from a panel of companies, followed by a casual discussion session where farmers and representatives from startup companies can discuss new technology related to farming and share opportunities and challenges that impact Canadian agriculture.

One company featured at the 2024 AgTech Breakfast at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show was VETSon. This company connects producers and veterinarians for one-on-one consultations through online and app technology to improve options for livestock management.