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MSU Extension Releases Updated Information On Cattle Grazing Leases

Montana State University Extension specialists have released updated information on cattle grazing leases.
The new four-page MontGuide, Grazing Leases, defines a grazing lease, helps readers estimate grazing lease rates, examines the basis for expressing lease rates, such as per acre, whole tract, per head and share of gain, and discusses the terms of a grazing lease. 
Grazing Leases was updated by Kate Binzen Fuller, assistant professor/Extension specialist in the MSU Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, and Jeff Mosley, professor/Extension range management specialist in the Department of Animal and Range Sciences.
"Whether you are a landlord or land tenant, putting together a thoughtful lease and negotiating rates, lease structure and responsibilities can be a daunting task," said Fuller. "The Grazing Leases MontGuide addresses key items to include in a written lease, tools and strategies for calculating and negotiating rates and additional resources to help get you started. There is also a Beef Cattle Share MontGuide that introduces the concept of an equitable lease arrangement and applies it to cattle. It includes worksheets and explanations to help a livestock owner and operator calculate equitable percentages to split revenue."
Both MontGuides can be found on the website, along with other tools and guides on the topic of agricultural leasing.
The Grazing Leases MontGuide is a modified and updated version of Montana State University Extension Bulletin 120, Pasture Leases and Beef Cattle Share Arrangements, by Kent Williams, John Lacey, Dave Phillips and John Ranney.

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