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Multiple cattle organizations throwing support behind new proposed federal bill

The Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) and the National Cattle Feeders’ Association (NCFA) are throwing their support behind a new bill being introduced by the federal government.

On Wednesday, Liberal MP Kody Blois introduced Bill C-359 which would amend the Feeds Act, the Seeds Act, and the Pest Control Products Act.

Both organizations say this will, as it currently reads, reduce regulatory barriers that limit the ag sector’s economic growth potential and continued ability to produce food sustainably.

“We’re pleased to see the innovative principles of Bill C-359 as it aims to reduce regulatory burdens for farmers and ranchers and ensure our global competitiveness,” said Nathan Phinney, CCA President. “Additional common-sense regulatory changes will help Canadian beef producers sustainably produce more high-quality protein.”

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Season 5, Episode 10: The Value and Importance of Market Haul Sanitation

Video: Season 5, Episode 10: The Value and Importance of Market Haul Sanitation

This month on the PigX Podcast, we explore the research and insights from two producers on the advantages of maintaining clean market hauling equipment, including the financial considerations. Beyond the overall benefits to swine health, we discuss best practices implemented by these companies and the country of Denmark, strategies for introducing the proposition and methods for measuring the return on investment, in addition to much more. Joining us in today’s episode are Dr. Edison Magalhaes, assistant professor at Iowa State University, Dr. Pete Thomas, director of health services at Iowa Select Farms and Dr. Tyler Bauman, herd veterinarian with The Maschhoffs.