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MYM Signs Production Agreements With Farmers in Colombia to Cultivate THC and CBD-Rich Cannabis

MYM Nutraceuticals Inc., is pleased to announce its subsidiary in Colombia, Colombia Organica S.A.S ("Colombia Organica"), has signed agreements in principle to cultivate both THC and CBD-rich cannabis with independent farmers for an initial five acres.
Cannabis will be cultivated by farmers who will be licensees under the existing Colombia Organica cannabis cultivation licenses. The first crops cultivated on the initial five acres will function as test crops with the intention to add subsequent acreage. The climate in Colombia is ideal for cultivating cannabis, with the growing season being year-round it's possible to harvest three crops of THC or CBD-rich cannabis annually.
"Our team in Colombia has begun to execute on our plan to cultivate both THC and CBD-rich cannabis in South America," said Howard Steinberg, CEO of MYM. "The strategy of extending our licenses to neighbouring farmers to cultivate cannabis will serve to increase our biomass supply that we intend on processing and exporting to the global market."
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