BURLINGTON, ON – National allocations for A-153 (Oct 28, 2018 - Dec 22, 2018) and A-154 (Dec 23, 2018 - Feb 16, 2019) were set at 4.5% and 3.5% above the adjusted bases at the Chicken Farmers of Canada (CFC) meeting on July 24, 2018 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Canadian chicken consumption continues to experience healthy, moderating growth, and the market appears stable and robust.
In making its allocation recommendation, CFO has examined both the supply and demand side of the chicken market and assessed risks to market stability. Quantitative and qualitative analyses as well as consultations with industry partners and experts have informed our recommendation which has been framed on a public policy of “balanced best interest”.
The volumes, in eviscerated kilograms, for Ontario and Canada as calculated by the allocation formula are:
Ontario Growth Canada Growth
A-153 64,971,628 5.1% 189,585,903 4.5%
A-154 62,008,082 4.1% 180,107,337 3.5%
Ontario anticipates volume allocations for A-155 and A-156 will be set at the November 21, 2018 CFC Board meeting.
Source : Chicken Farmers of Ontario