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National allocations for A-167 set at +0.5%

BURLINGTON, ON – National allocation for A-167 was set at +0.5% above the adjusted base at the Chicken Farmers of Canada (CFC) meeting on September 21, 2020.
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to bring about significant changes to markets. Consumer behaviour and consumption patterns have been evolving since the shutdowns, with shifts in the foods consumed, the channels of consumption, and frequency of purchase.
While much stability has returned to the marketplace since the early days of the pandemic, demand remains dynamic with consumption shifting across channels. The dynamic and unpredictable nature of market needs can be expected to continue for some time due to the unfolding trajectory of the pandemic.
In making its recommendation to CFC, CFO examined current market conditions using available data. CFO also consulted with our industry partners and industry experts and framed its recommendation on a public policy of “balanced best interest” upon weighing the various factors, perspectives and dynamics resulting from the pandemic.
Source : CFO

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