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National Pork Board’s Sherrie Webb named Alliance Chairperson

The Animal Agriculture Alliance Board of Directors recently elected Sherrie Webb, director of animal welfare for the National Pork Board (NPB), as chairperson of its board of directors. Webb’s two-year term in this position began May 1. The Alliance's 31-member board of directors consists of representatives from all major sectors of animal agriculture.

"I look forward to working closely with the Alliance staff to execute the Alliance’s mission of bridging the communication gap between farm and fork,” Webb said. “Each day it becomes more critical for the animal agriculture industry to come together to collaboratively address the challenges facing all of us, and I’m happy to have this leadership role to help the Alliance meet its stated mission and objectives," Webb said.

"We are excited to work with Sherrie as chairperson of our board," said Kay Johnson Smith, Alliance president and CEO. "Her technical knowledge and deep background in animal welfare will be extremely valuable to our team. Her leadership and guidance will help the Alliance to remain a leader in speaking on behalf of the animal agriculture community as a whole."

As director of animal welfare, Webb works with veterinarians, producers and other segments of the pork chain to identify welfare issues concerning the swine industry and work collaboratively to provide solutions to these issues. Prior to joining Pork Checkoff in 2005, Webb received her master of science degree in animal science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Webb has represented NPB on the Alliance’s board of directors since 2008 and succeeds Paul Pressley, executive vice president of U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, as chair.

Source: AASV

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Video: CEO's of the Industry: Brad Freking, CEO of New Fashion Pork

In this exclusive interview, Brad Freking, CEO of New Fashion Pork, shares his journey from the ground up in the swine industry and provides unique perspectives on the most pressing issues facing the sector today. Brad dives deep into the ongoing debate around loose sow housing, offering a viewpoint that contrasts with that of Brent Hershey. While Hershey has voiced criticism of certain industry practices, Brad emphasizes the need for unity, focusing on collaboration rather than internal conflict. He believes the industry should prioritize consumer choice and avoid attacking one another, as working together will better serve both producers and consumers alike.

We also explore the challenges of sustainability and how New Fashion Pork is adapting to rising costs and the need for innovation in modern agriculture. Brad discusses the importance of leadership evolution, the role of technology, and New Fashion Pork’s strategy for meeting changing consumer preferences for better product quality.

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