Carpio durum has high yield potential and excellent quality, including very good test weight and protein.
This year, growers will be able to plant a high-quality durum variety developed by North Dakota State University. Carpio durum is available and the first distribution of registered seed is under way.
“I believe Carpio’s competitive yield and exceptional quality will bring the value of durum wheat produced in North Dakota to the next level,” says Elias Elias, NDSU durum breeder.
Carpio durum has high yield potential and excellent quality, including very good test weight and protein. Carpio has high mixograph, gluten index and firmness scores among popular varieties in North Dakota. This variety has intermediate scab tolerance, which is better than Alkabo, Lebsock and Mountrail.
If you are interested in planting Carpio, contact your local NDSU Extension Service agent or refer to the North Dakota Field Inspected Seed Directory for seed availability.
Carpio is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act. Varieties protected with PVP-Title V can be sold as a certified class of seed only. Producers who acquire a PVP-Title V protected variety as a certified class of seed have the right to use saved seed for their own planting purposes.
A research fee also will apply to registered and certified seed sales of Carpio and will be collected in the state from the labeler by the North Dakota State Seed Department (NDSSD) on behalf of the NDSU Research Foundation. For more information on the research fee schedule for Carpio and other varieties, refer to the 2014 North Dakota Field Inspected Seed Directory or contact the NDSSD.