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Nearly 30 Iowa farmers sign conservation and crop insurance letter

“As farmers in Iowa, we write to you with concerns about the future of conservation in our state,” the letter began. “Conservation practices, such as planting cover crops, have been enormously beneficial for our operations.”
The farmers shared ideas on encouraging farmers to use conservation practices such as planting cover crops, engaging in no-till, and planting a diverse crop rotation. They asked for crop insurance to work hand-in-hand with conservation policy, proposing the removal of barriers within policies to plant cover crops.
The letter also asks that Congress protect existing conservation programs under the Natural Resource Conservation Service, particularly working lands conservation programs such as the Conservation Stewardship Program and the Environmental Quality Incentives Program.
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Agriculture Enlightened (2024)

Video: Agriculture Enlightened (2024)

Manitoba for Agriculture Enlightened 2024! Since 2020, EMILI's annual conference has brought together a diverse stakeholder group including agri-food and technology experts, industry leaders, decision-makers, researchers and students from across the prairies. We look forward to building on the success of the last four years with another outstanding event.