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Nebraska Crops Maturing Near Average Pace

Nebraska Crops Maturing Near Average Pace

For the week ending Aug. 29, 2021, there were 5.6 days suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Topsoil moisture supplies rated 11% very short, 36% short, 51% adequate and 2% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 17% very short, 42% short, 41% adequate and 0% surplus.

Field Crops Report:

Corn condition rated 5% very poor, 8% poor, 20% fair, 45% good and 22% excellent. Corn dough was 93%, behind 98% last year, and near 94% for the five-year average. Dented was 64%, behind 72% last year, but near 60% average. Mature was 8%, near 10% last year and 5% average.

Soybean condition rated 3% very poor, 7% poor, 21% fair, 51% good and 18% excellent. Soybeans setting pods was 97%, near 100% last year and 95% average. Dropping leaves was 12%, near 14% last year and 8% average.

Sorghum condition rated 8% very poor, 16% poor, 28% fair, 37% good and 11% excellent. Sorghum coloring was 61%, near 58% last year and ahead of 54% average. Mature was 2%, equal to both last year and average.

Dry edible bean condition rated 2% very poor, 6% poor, 24% fair, 47% good and 21% excellent. Dry edible beans setting pods was 95%, near 93% last year. Dropping leaves was 23%, behind 30% last year.

Pasture and Range Report:

Pasture and range conditions rated 12% very poor, 16% poor, 52% fair, 18% good and 2% excellent.

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