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Nebraska Plants Record High Soybean Acres, Up 10% From 2016

University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Soybean field
Nebraska corn growers planted 9.80 million acres, down 1% from last year, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Biotechnology varieties were used on 96% of the area planted, up 1% percentage point from a year ago. Growers expect to harvest 9.50 million acres for grain, down 1% from last year. Nationally, corn planted acreage was down 3% from 2016.
Soybean planted area in Nebraska is estimated at 5.70 million acres, up 10% from last year's total and a record high. Of the acres planted, 94% were planted with genetically modified, herbicide-resistant seed, down 2% percentage points from a year ago. Acres expected to be harvested are 5.65 million, up 10% from a year earlier. Nationally, soybean planted acreage was down 7% from 2016.
Winter wheat seeded in the fall of 2016 totaled 1.11 million acres, down 19% from last year and a record low. Harvested acreage is forecasted at 1.00 million acres, down 24% from a year ago. Nationally, all wheat planted acreage was down 9% from 2016.
Alfalfa hay acreage to be cut for dry hay is 770 thousand acres, up 3% from 2016. Other hay acreage to be cut for dry hay is 1.70 million acres, unchanged from last year.
Sorghum acreage planted and to be planted, at 140 thousand acres, is down 30% from a year ago. The area to be harvested for grain, at 110 thousand acres, is down 37% from last year.
Planted area for oats is estimated at 115 thousand acres, down 15% from the previous year. Area to be harvested for grain, at 25 thousand acres, is unchanged from a year ago.
Dry edible bean planted acreage is estimated at 150 thousand acres, up 9% from last year. Harvested acres are estimated at 139 thousand acres, up 14% from the previous year.
Proso millet plantings of 130 thousand acres are up 37% from a year ago.
Sugarbeet planted acres, at 49.7 thousand, are up 4% from last year.
Oil sunflower acres planted are estimated at 55 thousand, up 90% from last year. Non-oil sunflower planted acreage is estimated at 6 thousand acres, down 52 percent from a year ago and a record low.
Dry edible pea was planted on an estimated 45 thousand acres, down 18% from last year. Harvested acres are estimated at 42 thousand, down 19% from the previous year.

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