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Nebraska Pork hosting regional swine producer meetings

he Nebraska Pork Producers Association (NPPA) has scheduled three regional producers meetings to take place in February and March.

The goal of these meetings is to provide producers with up-to-date information that impacts their operations. All swine producers are invited to attend.

Meetings are scheduled for:

  • Tuesday, Feb. 13 – Nielson Event Center, West Point
  • Tuesday, Feb. 27 – 1888 Tavern, Lindsey
  • Tuesday, March 12 – Valentino’s Restaurant, Beatrice

The meetings start with a social at 6 p.m. and dinner at 6:30 p.m. The program begins at 6:45 p.m. and includes:

  • A close up look at the Danish swine industry.
  • Nebraska livestock modernization updates and state tax advantages.
  • Learn how NPPC and National Pork Board impact your bottom line.
  • Updates on swine health – area swine veterinarians answer your questions.
  • New traceability standards –how it will impact your business.
  • UNL Swine Research Update.
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Video: Cocoa isn't doing well. ~ reviewing health protocol of the flock, and I've been ROBBED... (again).

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