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Nebraska Stockman’s Tour to be held at Ogallala Livestock Auction Market September 7

Nebraska Stockman’s Tour to be held at Ogallala Livestock Auction Market September 7

You are invited to Nebraska Stockman’s Tour. The program will be held at Ogallala Livestock Auction Market 1507 W 1st St. Ogallala, Neb.  Check-in September 7th time 12:30 Mountain Time with the program starting at 1:30 pm.  This is your chance to get Beef Quality Assurance certified as well as gain knowledge on beef production and handling.

Topics and speakers for the tour are:

  • Controlling Flies and Lice on Livestock by Dave Boxler, Nebraska Extension Educator
  • Livestock Behavior Principles by Ruth Woiwode, Nebraska Extension Animal Behaviorist
  • Livestock Handling Techniques and Tips (Demonstration) by Randy Saner Extension Educator and Ruth Woiwode Nebraska Extension
  • BQA Training and Certification by Jesse Fulton, Director of Nebraska Beef Quality Assurance, NE Extension

For more information and to register for the program contact Randy Saner by phone 308-532-2683 or by e-mail to  The cost is $20 per person payable at the event which includes your BQA certification.

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