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Need a Few More Pesticide Recertification Credits Before Year’s End? IPM Webinars Now Available!

 By Erin Lizotte, Michigan State University Extension

MSU Extension is offering Integrated Pest Management Academy Online, a series of online prerecorded webinars. Commercial and private core pesticide recertification credits are available for Michigan applicators. No registration or fees required.

Looking to learn more about integrated pest management (IPM)? Check out this series of on-demand webinars created to help Michigan growers identify pest management resources and understand IPM basics. Registration is not required and webinars are available for free, simply visit the IPM Academy Online webpage at your convenience and view one or all of the prerecorded webinars.

Michigan residents can earn up to four pesticide recertification credits. You may only claim credits once annually and once per webinar (repeat viewing for credits is not allowed). A computer with Internet connectivity, a web browser and speakers are required. Go to to access the webinars or email Carol Blake at to receive more information.

The following webinars are currently available for viewing.

Introduction to Integrated Pest Management: Learn about the history of pest management, the evolution of IPM and the tenets that define implementation in the field.

Integrated Pest Management Resources: Learn about IPM resources available from Michigan State University and MSU Extension.

Entomology 101: In this compact session on insects, learn the vocabulary to help you properly identify insects and better understand the role of insects in the world.

Plant Pathology 101: This introductory webinar covers the basics of plant pathogens and introduces viewers to some popular control methods.

Soil Science 101: This webinar highlights the importance of soil characteristics and their potential impacts on agricultural producers.

Plant Science 101: Learn the basics of plant anatomy and physiology—particularly handy for those who struggle with weed identification.

Pesticides 101: An introduction to mode of action, pesticide resistance and factors that impact efficacy.

Insect Scouting in Fruit Crops: This primer offers a fruit-specific module on how insect scouting occurs in the real world.

A number of new webinars will be added over the coming months, so check back periodically for new content in 2015!

Accommodations for persons with disabilities may be requested by contacting Erin Lizotte with Michigan State University Extension at to make arrangements. Requests will be fulfilled when possible.

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