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New DeLaval Video Series Focuses on the Fundamentals of Cow Longevity

Bannockburn, Illinois — In recent years, dairy researchers have argued the social and economic benefits of a longer, healthier life for cows. Dairy producers, as well as consumers, are increasingly interested in understanding exactly how improvements to cow environments, health and decision-making tools can positively influence the lifetime productivity of cows.
The 4-part video series DeLaval developed focuses on Cow Comfort, Grooming, Productivity and Water Consumption. Each video is approximately 30-seconds long and offers viewers a quick look at the benefits of each topic.
“Sustainable dairy farming relies on efficiency,” Gavin Strang, Market Development Director for DeLaval North America, said. “Offering an abundant supply of clean, fresh water; providing comfortable resting areas; and giving cows a safe, effective way to groom are all essential to improving the productive lifetime milk yield of cows.”
DeLaval has been at the forefront of cow comfort and longevity for decades. In 2012, the company fortified its commitment when it made Animal Welfare a pillar of its vision to make sustainable milk production possible.
Source : DeLaval

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