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New Executive Director brings agricultural leadership experience and fresh perspective to Agricultural Manufacturers of Canada

The Agricultural Manufacturers of Canada (AMC) Board of Directors has selected a new Executive Director with solid experience to lead staff and members in continuing to advance the agricultural equipment manufacturing industry. Steve McCabe of Kenilworth, Ontario, Officially join AMC on November 13, 2018 and will be based in Ontario.
“Our new Executive Director brings a unique perspective to this pivotal role,” explains AMC Board Chair Richelle Andreas.  “Steve's experience in a variety of positions across agricultural businesses and sectors will serve AMC well.” This experience includes a member relations role in a grower organization during very challenging times.   
As Executive Director of AMC, McCabe will continue to execute the organization's vision to ensure the growth and development of the Canadian shortline industry.  He will work closely with the Board, members and staff to provide a strong voice and effective advocacy to government on key issues vital to the future of the industry, to engage members and ensure they remain well informed. 
Source : AMC

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