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New Fungicide Web Book from Crop Protection Network

By Adam Sisson
The Crop Protection Network (CPN) has produced a new web book called Fungicide Use in Field Crops. Fungicides are an important crop protection tool for modern agriculture, and proper use decreases risk of fungal diseases and economic losses. This book highlights the importance of fungicides for yield protection, while considering economics, risks to humans and the environment, and prolonging use of fungicide modes of action.
This book is a collaboration among 13 crop specialists representing eight U.S. universities and Ontario, Canada. It considers the most recent advances in fungicide science to equip farmers, agribusiness employees, and others, with essential information to effectively manage diseases of field crops using fungicides.
“Farmers and agronomists deal with crop protection issues constantly in order to optimize yields,” said Daren Mueller, Extension Plant Pathologist at Iowa State University. “The goal of this CPN web book is to provide an overview of the current knowledge of fungicides, promoting best fungicide use practices, and how they help protect field crops from disease.”
Researchers testing foliar fungicide spray
Researchers testing foliar fungicide spray coverage obtained using different types of application systems. Research like this informs best fungicide application practices to help improve crop disease management.
Other multi-state fungicide resources from the CPN include Foliar Fungicide Efficacy Guides for corn, soybean, and wheat. A Seed-Applied Fungicide Efficacy Guide is available for soybean.
CPN is a multi-state and international partnership of university and provincial Extension specialists, and public and private professionals that provides unbiased, research-based information. CPN’s goal is to communicate relevant information to farmers and agricultural personnel to help with decisions related to protecting field crops
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