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New Hampshire Delegation Applauds Nearly $300,000 from USDA to Support Rural Development

 the New Hampshire delegation applauded $297,000 heading to the state from USDA Rural Development. Specifically, $47,000 was awarded to the Merrimack County Conservation District to help develop and market Brookford Farms and $250,000 to Robie Farm in Grafton to support expansion and development.

“Thriving rural small businesses are good for our local economies, communities, and supply chains,” said Congressman Pappas. “I’m pleased to see this funding headed to rural small businesses in New Hampshire to ensure they can continue to grow and succeed. I remain committed to listening to the needs of small businesses and local farmers and working to ensure they have the resources and support they need.”

“Rural businesses, producers, and farmers play a critical role in growing our economy, and we must work to ensure they have the support they need to thrive,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “From record rainfall and flooding to devastating cold snaps, this has been a challenging year and underscores the importance of supporting local agriculture and our farmers. I’m pleased to see these resources going to some of our New Hampshire farmers to help their businesses expand operations, serve more customers directly, and improve access to sustainably sourced food.”

“New Hampshire’s farmers have faced many obstacles this year, from floods to cold snaps, and they deserve the support necessary to continue growing food and creating jobs in rural communities,” said Senator Shaheen. “I’m thrilled to see these federal dollars go to Brookford Farms and Robie Farm to help expand their operations in Merrimack and Grafton Counties.”

“I’m excited that this federal funding will support two burgeoning New Hampshire farms,” said Senator Hassan. “Investing in sustainable agriculture businesses helps strengthen our communities, our economy, and our way of life.”

“With today’s announcement, we celebrate the innovation and hard work of farmers, food producers, and our local supply chain,” said Sarah Waring, State Director for USDA Rural Development in Vermont and New Hampshire. “Rural Development’s business programs support this supply chain to be more efficient and more carbon neutral, while reducing costs to rebuild our local economies. Because of the Biden-Harris Administration’s demonstrated commitment to agricultural producers and entrepreneurs, our rural communities are becoming healthier and more resilient by the day.”

More details on this funding are available below:

  • $47,000 for Merrimack County Conservation District in Concord, NH
    • This Rural Business Development Grant will improve the marketing of wholesale and retail vegetable, meat, and value-added dairy products for Brookford Farms. The project includes business development and training, creating an e-commerce site, and setting up automated marketing. This will help increase business profitability and sustainability. It will create three jobs and save approximately 20 jobs.
  • $250,000 for Robie Farm LLC in Grafton, NH
    • This Value Added Producer Grant will be used to provide working capital necessary to fuel the expansion of a small farm. Robie Farm LLC has continued to grow and recently opened a store in Hooksett, New Hampshire, specializing in swine. A vigorous new marketing campaign to increase direct-to-consumer sales and establish an e-commerce platform is anticipated to increase customers by 80 percent over the grant period. While still an important part of its business, reliance on high-volume wholesale customers will be diminished, improving profit margins.
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