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New Ohio Website To Help Farmers Review Precision Ag Tools

By Laura Lindsey

The Ohio Soybean Council (OSC) and soybean checkoff program recently launched Precision Ag Reviews, a website dedicated to farmer reviews of precision agriculture products with a forum for users to further discuss their experiences and ask questions of fellow farmers.

Precision Ag Reviews allows users to rank products based on cost, ease of use, technical support, customer service and overall value. They can also provide a paragraph on their experience with the product and whether it added value to their farm, or if it wasn’t a good fit for their number of acres or crop practices and how they feel about the return on investment.

The site is pre-populated with common products, but also allows users to add products that aren’t listed. Reviews can be posted without registering on the site, while users must sign up to be a part of the forums. Registering also offers the option to opt-in to receive email updates on specific areas of technology that they choose. Administrators are also focused on user privacy and keeping information solely for use of the site with no third-party distribution.

Precision Ag Reviews also features an area for expert advice which will be a curated mix of the best information that is already available alongside new easy to digest videos and articles on precision ag practices and emerging technologies. The site also has a calendar that will include events such as Farm Science Review and other field days where farmers can see technology in action.

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Founded in 1984, Keystone Agricultural Producers is Manitoba’s general farm organization, representing all Manitoba farmers across the province. Our core mission is to be the voice for farmers, addressing their most important issues. KAP is dedicated to leading progress, promoting transparency, and showcasing farmers' true impact and contribution to key audiences.