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New Versatile Vertical Tillage Tool

From Buhler News,
Buhler Industries is launching a new tillage tool designed for maximum seasonal flexibility in a variety of soil conditions. Available in 28', 32' and 36', the machine is available as the Versatile Viking or Farm King VT3000, through the Farm King and Versatile dealer networks.
Residue Management 
The Viking / VT3000 is designed to manage heavy residue in the most difficult field conditions. It is capable of running at high speed (8 - 10 mph), at 0 degree gang angle for minimum disturbance, and up to 16 degrees (in 4 degree increments) for maximum residue management in heavy residue conditions. Further, these machines are able to run in a wide variety of soil, residue, and field conditions with the ability to chop, cut and size crop residue and move the soil and crop residue vertically with minimal soil compaction, and the ability to be less invasive while dealing with high residue conditions.
Approach designed as a year-round multi-use tillage tool, the Viking / VT3000 offers the flexibility for pre-season and post-season use. 
Spring: 0" - 3" deep to warm/dry/aerate soil; a secondary tillage pass to prepare/firm up seedbed after another primary tillage tool has been over the ground. Also for use in working down crop residue remaining after the previous season, or to incorporate manure or fertilizer into the soil. 
Fall: For use in residue management instead of, or ahead of primary tillage, to manage heavy residue - to cut/chop/mix residue into the top 3" - 5" of soil; use in place of a heavy harrow to address down/lodged crop residue, clean up field edges, slough bottoms or wet areas. For incorporating manure or fertilized manure; level and spread out heavy crop residue; or cut and condition residue to help improve crop residue decay and reduce insect and disease concerns.
Unique Combination of Features
  1. Adjustable gang angle (from 0 to 16 degrees) for use in a wide range of residue and field conditions. Setup for minimum disturbance / leave maximum residue on the surface or aggressive residue management to mix soil with crop residue.
  2. Choice of blade spacing and blade size: 8" spacing with 20" or 22" blades that cuts & sizes residue into smaller pieces; 9" spacing with 22" or 24" blades in higher residue applications with more space between blades for residue flow.
  3. Industry leading gang technology: 3,200 ft-lbs of torque, standard and extreme-duty bearings that provide maximum up-time and lower overall cost of ownership.
  4. Heavy-duty machine with industry leading 800 lbs/ft (weight class) to ensure sufficient blade penetration in the most difficult field conditions.
  5. Choice of finishing attachments; spiral flat-bar rolling baskets or 3-bar coil tine harrows to prepare an excellent seedbed.
Source : Buhler

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