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New Winter Wheat Variety AC Emerson.

CANTERRA SEEDS is thrilled to announce the official launch of AC™ Emerson winter wheat. Certified seed of the new variety will be available to growers for the first time, for fall planting in 2014.

AC™ Emerson has been referred to by many farmers as a 'game changer'. This is largely attributed to its resistant or R rating to Fusarium Head Blight (FHB), the first wheat variety of any kind to receive this rating.

With the wet and humid conditions, FHB risk could be very high this season. Earlier in the month, FHB risk forecasts from Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development rated the entire province as an 'Extreme' risk area.  "The R rating to FHB is a huge achievement in plant breeding, and it couldn't have come at a better time for growers," said Brent Derkatch, Director of Operations and Business Development for CANTERRA SEEDS. "We are very excited to get Emerson into farmers' hands this fall"

AC™ Emerson winter wheat was developed by Dr. Rob Graf of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Lethbridge. CANTERRA SEEDS holds the exclusive marketing rights for the variety, and has been managing seed production and distribution since 2011.

AC™ Emerson is set to launch at a key time in the market, as the popular CDC Falcon winter wheat officially moves to the Canadian Western General Purpose (CWGP) class as of August 1, 2014. "Emerson will be the perfect CDC Falcon replacement," said Derkatch. "It is a Canadian Western Red Winter (CWRW) wheat and has the improved quality end-users are looking for, in addition to a strong agronomic package for growers."

MCVET data shows AC™ Emerson yielded 1 bu/ac higher than CDC Falcon, and has 1.3% higher protein. The medium maturity variety also has an R rating to stripe and stem rust, and strong straw. Seed growers who have been multiplying the variety noted AC™ Emerson showed improved winter hardiness over CDC Falcon and Flourish this past winter.

Growers looking for AC™ Emerson should contact their local CANTERRA SEEDS seed grower, or visit for a full listing of the closest seed sellers.

Source: Canterra Seeds

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