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New WOTUS Rule Still Unfair to Farmers

New WOTUS Rule Still Unfair to Farmers

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall commented today on the Biden Administration’s revised Waters of the U.S. Rule.

“EPA had a golden opportunity to write a Waters of the U.S. Rule that’s fair to farmers and stands the test of time, but instead chose to continue government overreach and revise only a small slice of the rule that was rejected by the Supreme Court.

“We’re pleased the vague and confusing ‘significant nexus’ test has been eliminated as the Supreme Court dictated. But EPA has ignored other clear concerns raised by the Justices, 26 states, and farmers across the country about the rule’s failure to respect private property rights and the Clean Water Act.

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Video: Can Organic Agriculture Feed the World + What’s Up with Grafting Tomatoes

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