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NFU Concludes 119th Anniversary Convention

The National Farmers Union (NFU) 119th Anniversary Convention concluded today following the enactment of policy positions and priorities that support American farm and ranch families and strengthen rural communities.
For the first time in the organization’s history, the event was held entirely online – a fact that did not go unnoticed by the more than 500 family farmers and ranchers who attended. Before policy consideration, delegates to the convention approved a proclamation, written by NFU honorary historian Tom Giessel, acknowledging the unusual circumstances and highlighting “our collective sense of place.”
Delegates also adopted an amendment to the organization’s bylaws that will require delegates to future national conventions to be actively engaged in farming or ranching. Furthermore, they finalized the NFU Policy Book and several special orders of business which will guide its government affairs priorities over the course of the next year, especially as they relate to pandemic recovery, competition in agricultural markets, and climate change.
“Between the pandemic, natural disasters, and deep political division, the last year has tested all of us,” said NFU President Rob Larew. “But tough times are something this organization and its members know well – and every time we encounter a stumbling block, we respond quickly and constructively to find solutions, which is the essence of our grassroots policy-making process. Whatever difficulties we may be facing, Farmers Union members come together to reflect on how our food system can better serve farmers, consumers, rural communities, and the environment.”
Convention attendees heard remarks from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, Senator Debbie Stabenow, Senator John Boozman, Representative David Scott, and Representative Glenn Thompson. NFU President Rob Larew delivered his first State of the Farmers Union address, offering a reflection on an eventful first year in office and hopes for the organization’s future. Additionally, over the past several weeks, participants have had the opportunity to attend a series of ten educational sessions on variety of subjects, including rural mental health, diversity and inclusion in agriculture education, climate-focused economic development, and Farmers Union history. Videos of those webinars and this week’s sessions are available online here.
“Though we’ve all confronted unexpected challenges since our last convention, there are reasons to feel optimistic about the future,” said Larew. 
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This is Making Harvest a Pain!


Harvesting the soybean fields this year feels more like driving our farm equipment through a maze than a field, because of the 13 inches of rain in June and replanted areas. Join me today as I take the reins of the combine and harvest the areas of the fields that are dry. Learn about why we drive around the wet soybeans and the current plan to harvest them. Also, see John Deere's Machine Sync in use between the combine and the grain cart tractor. It's pretty evident that harvesting the soybeans this year is going to take longer than years past because of how much our productivity is lessened due to all the extra turning around and driving in a random fashion.