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NIFA Invests Nearly $3M in Rural Food Animal Veterinary Medicine Across the U.S.

NIFA recently announced 17 Veterinary Service Grants Program (VSGP) Awards, seven Education, Extension, and Training (EET) grants and 10 Rural Practice Enhancement (RPE) grants to help mitigate food animal veterinary service shortages in the United States. The goals of the VSGP are to support food animal veterinary medicine through EET funds for accredited schools and organizations and through RPE funds for veterinary clinics that provide services in veterinary shortage situations. This program is designed to support education and extension activities that will enable veterinarians, veterinary students, and veterinary technicians gain specialized food animal skills and practices.

The 2014 Farm Bill authorized the establishment of the VSGP as a companion to the Veterinary Medical Loan Repayment Program (VMLRP) to incentivize service in veterinary shortage situations. Ultimately, VSGP will bolster the capacity of private veterinary practitioners to provide food animal medicine in rural veterinarian shortage locations.

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Suffolk Ewe ADOPTS Dorset Lamb! | Sheep Farming at Ewetopia Farms

Video: Suffolk Ewe ADOPTS Dorset Lamb! | Sheep Farming at Ewetopia Farms

Suffolk ewe adopts Dorset lamb, lamb races, and moving sheep are all happening at Ewetopia Farms as we move more Dorset ewes and lambs to the Coverall. One special story today—a Suffolk ewe has adopted a Dorset lamb, showing incredible motherly love! We also check on all the growing lambs, refresh bedding to reduce condensation, and enjoy the lamb races! Plus, an update on the remaining sheep in the family groups as we await the second wave of lambing. Join us for another day of real-life sheep farming!