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NMPF, FARM Release New H5N1 Resources for Farmers, Regulators

NMPF and the FARM Program have strengthened their support for the dairy industry during the ongoing H5N1 outbreak with the release of two new resources for dairy farmers and regulatory officials.

Early Detection of H5N1 Virus in Bulk Tank Milk, is available in both English and Spanish. It highlights the benefits of routine testing of bulk tank milk as a proactive measure to safeguard cattle health. Producers in affected areas can better prepare for potential outbreaks, mitigate risks and protect the safety of dairy cattle handlers by implementing regular testing.

NMPF and the FARM Program also developed a 16-page guide, Bulk Tank Milk Sample Logistics for H5N1 Testing, to assist state regulatory officials. The guide offers practical considerations and logistical recommendations for using Grade “A” bulk tank milk samples to test for H5N1. This guide aims to streamline testing processes and enhance collaboration across the industry by addressing the concerns of state regulatory agencies.

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