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NMSU Asks Cattle Producers To Participate In Bull Management Survey

Calling all ranchers! Your help is needed.

New Mexico State University is participating in gathering information to help understand how producers make decision regarding their cattle operations.

“We are collaborating with the Southwest Beef Coordinated Agricultural Projects, along with colleagues in California, to survey producers regarding their bull management and selection strategies as well as their marketing mechanisms,” said Craig Gifford, NMSU Extension beef cattle specialist in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.

The purpose of the study is to examine the best methods for managing bulls after purchase and the influences driving bull-buying decisions.

“Potential benefits associated with the study include improvement to marketing strategies and management for both bull buyers and bull breeders,” Gifford said. “Our seedstock folks will find value in evaluating the factors their customers find important, and the survey will provide some benchmarks for the commercial producers.”

Participation by ranchers will help guide future university research, educational training and research and management.

“We ask cattle producers to please take the time to tell us about their bull selection priorities, bull health and management, general cattle operation and marketing program,” he said. The results will be anonymous and will only be reported as summaries.

“Their answers will not be connected to their name or address in any way,” he said. “Participation is completely voluntary.”

The analysis of the survey will be shared in a future Extension publication, workshops and with ranchers in the Southwest.

“The survey should take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete,” Gifford said. “There is no risk anticipated with their participation. They may omit responses to any question they choose not to answer.”

To participate in the survey, visit

The survey project is part of a study to improve the sustainability of beef production in the Southwest funded by a U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture $8.9 million grant.

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