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Nov. 12 Webinar Explains New Tool for Dairy Producers from DRMS

By Fred M. Hall

Dairy producers, consultants and industry representatives are encouraged to attend a free webinar Tuesday, Nov. 12, from noon to 1 p.m., from the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach dairy team.

DecisiveDry, part of the Dairy Records Management Systems HerdHQ web-based suite of products, is an effective management tool to determine if a cow should be dry treated. It uses Selective Dry Cow Therapy strategy to help lower dry treatment costs and reduce the use of antibiotics. Greg Palas will explain the steps that will help determine which cows are eligible for SDCT and which should be treated.

Palas is the manager of support services at DRMS at Iowa State University.

To attend the free webinar, register at least one hour prior to the webinar at

For more information, contact the ISU Extension and Outreach dairy specialist in your area: in northwest Iowa, Fred M. Hall, 712-737-4230 or; in northeast Iowa, Jennifer Bentley, 563-382-2949 or; in east central Iowa, Larry Tranel, 563-583-6496 or; in Ames, Gail Carpenter, 515-294-9085 or

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