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Now Accepting Nominations -- Award for Outstanding Research and Innovation

The Canadian Beef Industry Award for Outstanding Research and Innovation is presented by the Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) each year to recognize a researcher or scientist whose work has contributed to advancements in the competitiveness and sustainability of the Canadian beef industry. 

Nominations are welcome from all stakeholders of the Canadian beef industry and will be reviewed by a selection committee comprised of beef producers, industry experts and retired beef-related researchers located across the country. 

All nominations must be submitted to no later than May 1, 2025, with three or more letters of reference that speak to the nominee’s influence on Canada’s beef Industry. 

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Biosecurity and Other Tips to Prevent Spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)

Video: Biosecurity and Other Tips to Prevent Spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)

Rosslyn Biggs, D.V.M., OSU Extension beef cattle specialist, discusses the recent news of highly pathogenic avian influenza detected in a commercial flock in Adair County.