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Now accepting nominations for the Mapleseed Pasture Award

The Beef Farmers of Ontario, Mapleseed and the Ontario Forage Council invite you to nominate a deserving producer for the Mapleseed Pasture Award.

This award recognizes individual producers who are doing an outstanding job of pasture management while encouraging producers to implement pasture management strategies that maximize production per acre.

Mapleseed contributes a cash award of $250 to the winner, plus a 25kg bag of their choice of Mapleseed Forage Mix.

The application deadline is November 30th, 2022. Self-nominations are acceptable and encouraged.

The winner will be announced at the Beef Farmers of Ontario Annual General Meeting in February 2023 and will be invited to share a presentation about their operation.

Fill out the appropriate application form here to submit a nomination for this award.

Source : Small Farm canada

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