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NPPC seeks input on traceability standards

U.S. pork producers tasked the National Pork Producers Council with leading an effort to update the existing swine traceability system. NPPC is asking swine producers, veterinarians, cull swine and breeding operators and show pig enthusiasts to comment on the draft standards by Oct. 27.

In 2006, U.S. swine producers voluntarily adopted animal traceability standards to strengthen the ability to track animal movements with the goal of controlling the spread of animal diseases.

“Approximately 1 million pigs are in transit every day, giving diseases plenty of opportunities to spread,” Scott Hays, president and pork producer from Missouri, said in an NPPC news release. “With the growing threat of a foreign animal disease reaching the United States, the need to address gaps in our existing traceability system is important for our farms and our industry.”

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Season 5, Episode 8: Technology Insights and Considerations for Producers

Video: Season 5, Episode 8: Technology Insights and Considerations for Producers

This month on the PigX Podcast, we dive into key considerations for adopting technology in managing livestock. From research insights to practical applications, we explore how technology can enhance farm operations. Our guest, Dr. Isabella Condotta, an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, shares her expertise on the intersection of technology and livestock management. While many farms have begun integrating these tools, others are still weighing their options. Tune in to this episode for insights to help you make informed decisions about implementing and maintaining technology on your farm with the resources you have.