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NPPC Urges Passage of Covid Relief Package, Omnibus Funding Bill

Today, Congress is expected to vote on a COVID-relief package and an omnibus appropriations bill that funds the government through Sept. 30, 2021. The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) is urging members of Congress to vote yes on these critically important bills. Several high-priority NPPC asks are included in these measures: $635 million to ensure U.S. agriculture inspectors are fully funded; extension of livestock mandatory price reporting until Sept. 30, 2021; $20 million in funding for the National Animal Health Laboratory Network; $284.5 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program, which removes restrictive language that prevented some pork producers from eligibility; and funding to compensate hog farmers who were forced to euthanize animals due to COVID-related supply chain disruptions, valued at 80 percent of the animal’s value and for the cost incurred during the process. The following statement may be attributed to NPPC President Howard “AV” Roth, a hog farmer from Wauzeka, Wisconsin.
“We urge Congress to quickly pass both measures. We are thankful for several vital provisions in the omnibus bill, including strengthening biosecurity at our borders to keep foreign animal diseases (FAD) outside the country. If a FAD were to enter the U.S. swine herd, the consequences would be disastrous, and a devastating blow to hog farmers already teetering on the financial edge due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
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MEET THE PRESIDENT - Jonathan Perry - Angus Association President 2024-2025

Video: MEET THE PRESIDENT - Jonathan Perry - Angus Association President 2024-2025

The American Angus Association 141st Annual Convention of Delegates gathered November 4, 2024, in Fort Worth, Texas. The delegation elected new officers; Jonathan Perry, Fayetteville, Tenn., president and chairman of the Board; and Jim Brinkley, Milan, Mo., vice president and vice chairman of the Board. Darrell Stevenson, White Sulphur Springs, Mont., will serve as the treasurer for the 2024-25 term.