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Nutrition: A Superhero An The Fight Against Crypto

If you raise dairy calves, it’s almost a sure bet that you have Cryptosporidium present in your operation. This pathogen creeps into your farm causing significant losses ranging from delayed growth to high levels of mortality.  

Indeed, Cryptosporidium is the pathogen most commonly diagnosed in association with clinical calf scours in North America. But like a superhero fights crime, a full potential diet can help prepare your calves to battle against Crypto.

“Crypto can be devastating to a calf’s long-term growth and overall health,” says Tom Earleywine, Ph.D., director of nutritional services with Land O’Lakes Animal Milk Products. “Feeding a full potential diet of at least 2.5 pounds of milk solids in 8-10 quarts of liquid per calf daily in conjunction with good calf management can help calves be better equipped to fight off disease challenges.”


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Video: First-Time Customer Buys 3 Suffolk Rams! | Pre-Lambing Prep at Ewetopia Farms

More ram sales and ongoing pre-lambing preparations is what you'll see on today's episode of our daily sheep farming vlog at Ewetopia Farms! This afternoon, we’re thrilled to welcome a first-time customer who came to purchase a Suffolk ram and ended up taking home three! Watch as we introduce them to our rams and discuss the importance of good genetics for flock improvement.