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NW Ohio Precision Ag Day Is Aug. 4

By Tracy Turner

Plowed fieldWith increased interest in the benefits of precision nutrient management, the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University is offering a daylong workshop that focuses on precision agriculture.

The Northwest Ohio Precision Ag Technology Day is Aug. 4 from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Fulton County Fairgrounds, 8591 state Route 108, in Wauseon, Ohio. The event will offer farmers and crop consultants a chance to focus on nutrient management, said Eric Richer, an Ohio State Univrsity Extension educator. OSU Extension is the outreach arm of the college.

Topics include:

* Soil phosphorus recommendations

* Soil nitrogen rate and source considerations

* Nitrogen timing and placement strategies

* Tools for nitrogen management

In the afternoon, participants will be able to attend field demonstrations from industry professionals that will focus on nutrient placement and timing.

Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) continuing education credits are available, with an emphasis on soil and water and on nutrient management. Richer said the program also qualifies as three hours of Ohio Certified Livestock Manager credits and three hours of Agricultural Fertilization Certification training to comply with Ohio’s new agricultural fertilization law, which requires farmers who apply fertilizer to more than 50 acres to become certified with the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

Registration for the event is $25 by July 31. Registration on site the day of the event is $40. For more information, contact Richer at 419-337-9210 or Details about the event, including a downloadable, mailable registration form and a link for online registration, can be found at

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Video: Bayer's NEW FieldView Drive 2.0

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The company says the product can be summed up in three words: stability, compatibility, and prescriptions.

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