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October is Agriculture Month in Saskatchewan

Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan will officially launch its Agriculture Month observance this coming Friday.
October is Agriculture Month in Saskatchewan.
On Friday representatives of Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan and Federated Co-op will join Agriculture Minister David Marit at the Saskatchewan Food Industry Development Centre to officially launch the observance.
Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan Executive Director Clinton Monchuk says, if you go back to the early 1900s when the settlers were coming in, the majority were farmers and ranchers and that has been the backbone of the Saskatchewan economy and culture and even though a larger segment of the population is now urban there's still a strong agricultural presence.
Clip-Clinton Monchuk-Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan:
When you look at the bulk of the population of this country, we're at around three percent or less of the population that actually has a personal tie to farming and ranching so that means you have 97 percent roughly of the population that doesn't have that opportunity to speak with a family member or a friend to actually get a true depiction of what happens on a grain farm or a cattle ranch or any of the different farms out there.
So, what happens is if you go to social media or do a web search on Google, you're going to find things that aren't necessarily true or pro modern agriculture.
I think creating some of these different opportunities and celebrating agriculture is just another way that we as farmers and ranchers in Saskatchewan can actually engage consumers and make sure they have truthful information about their food is being grown.
Monchuk says the Agriculture Month observance highlights the importance of agriculture in the province and allows those not directly connected to agriculture to ask the questions and make sure they are informed as much as possible about the foods they consume.
Source : Farmscape

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