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OFA sees opportunity to build stronger agriculture and rural communities with re-elected Ford Government

GUELPH, ON - With an election that essentially returned the status quo to Queen’s Park, the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) is looking forward to continuing to work with the provincial government and opposition Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) to build a stronger agriculture industry and rural Ontario.

Agriculture is a critical economic engine in Ontario, and with the right policies and political support can be a key driver of the province’s recovery from the pandemic. As an industry, agri-food contributes $47 billion a year to the economy and supports more than 860,400 jobs across the province.

OFA congratulates Premier Doug Ford and his Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario on their return for a second majority term, and is looking forward to building on existing relationships with returning MPPs and forging new ones with newly elected representatives. Relationship building and collaboration with government policymakers is vital to ensuring we keep agriculture’s priorities at the forefront. As the leading advocacy voice for farmers and their communities at Queen’s Park, OFA aims to expand and amplify the economic and social importance of agri-food in Ontario.

“We are excited to build on past relationships and create new ones with recently elected MPPs,” says Peggy Brekveld, OFA President. “Ontario’s agriculture story is exciting and growing, if you’ll pardon the pun. Now is the best time to collaborate on a long-term strategic investment approach for rural Ontario to ensure our agri-food industry can continue to drive our economy forward.”

Heading into this term, the OFA aims to work with the government on:

  • Supply chain resiliency — The pandemic underscored how fragile our supply chains can be and the importance of protecting domestic sources of food production. The OFA maintains the supply chain can be bolstered with policies that address the labour shortage in the sector, with an estimated shortfall of 29,000 farm workers currently facing the sector. Promoting jobs across the agricultural chain and creating pathways for temporary foreign workers to get permanent residency status will help create a more sustainable workforce.
  • Land preservation — The OFA’s mission is Farms and Food Forever, and to meet that mission Ontario needs to preserve what is perhaps its most valuable, but finitie, resource — farmland. According to the 2021 Census of Agriculture, Ontario is losing 319 acres of productive farmland every day. That is the equivalent of nine family farms every week. Strong policies are needed to contain urban growth within existing urban boundaries, while consumers are encouraged to continue to look for local products on the shelves of their local grocery stores.
  • Distributed economic development — The economic importance of the agri-food sector has been noted. Investing in critical infrastructure in rural Ontario will bolster this and ensure food, fuel, fibre and flowers get to market safely and efficiently. Long-term infrastructure investments in rural roads and bridges, affordable access to natural gas, continued expansion of rural broadband and building stronger social infrastructure will attract new businesses and residents to rural communities.

“As the largest general farm organization in the province, we want to ensure all of our farmers and their neighbours have access to the critical tools, resources and support necessary to keep their businesses strong, profitable and sustainable so they can continue to feed families across the province,” says Brekveld.

Source : OFA

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Why Seed Analysts are Thriving Under Seeds Canada

Video: Why Seed Analysts are Thriving Under Seeds Canada

Last month in Edmonton, Alta., industry leaders and stakeholders gathered to discuss the evolving landscape of the seed industry at Seeds Canada’s annual conference. Among them was Sarah Foster, president of 2020 Seed Labs and the new vice-president of Seeds Canada.

Foster, who has been on the board of Seeds Canada for over a year, has witnessed firsthand the challenges and opportunities that come with the formation of the organization. Seeds Canada was established just over three years ago through the merger of multiple seed industry groups, including the Commercial Seed Analysts Association of Canada (CSAAC). Since then, the organization has been working to define its priorities and solidify its role in the industry.

“The challenge has been allowing the dust to settle after the merger,” Foster explained. “We’ve been focused on identifying what our priorities should be and ensuring that our members, especially the seed analysts, are getting what they need to continue their professional work.”

One of the recent highlights was a pre-conference event where the three major seed labs in Alberta — 20/20 Seed Labs, SGS Canada and Seed Check — opened their doors to members. The event saw a record number of seed analysts and business professionals in attendance. Foster emphasized the importance of this transparency, stating, “It’s crucial for people to see what goes on behind the scenes. We’re an open book now, and that openness helps build trust and understanding within the industry.”

The event also featured an environmental scan and a series of discussions that fostered strong communication among attendees. According to Foster, the dialogue was both encouraging and inspiring.

“A lot of people were really inspired by the fact that Seeds Canada is moving ahead with its agenda. The seed analysts, who have always worked diligently in the background, are now being recognized more prominently,” she said.

Before the merger, seed analysts were represented by CSAAC. Now, as part of Seeds Canada, they are finding their place within the larger organization. Foster believes that the integration has been successful, noting, “I think we’re thriving. You only need to look south of the border, where similar consolidations are happening.”

As Seeds Canada continues to evolve, Foster remains optimistic about the future. “I want to be totally transparent with anyone who is a seed analyst — I’ve got your back. We’re moving in a positive direction, and we’ll do everything we can to meet the needs of our members,” she said.