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On-farm 4R Nutrient Stewardship Data Collection Continues to Expand with New Partners and Crops.

Ottawa, ON – The Canadian agriculture industry is a leader in implementing on-farm sustainable practices. To demonstrate 4R Nutrient Stewardship – Right Source @ Right Rate, Right Time, Right Place® adoption on Canadian farms – Fertilizer Canada is pleased to announce the expansion of the Fertilizer Use Survey to include additional crops: wheat, flax, sunflowers, and corn in Western Canada.

“The data from the Fertilizer Use Survey provides us with critical information on the current state of fertilizer management in Canadian crop production and assessing grower awareness and adoption of 4R Nutrient Stewardship,” said Karen Proud, President and CEO of Fertilizer Canada. “The survey shows us how agri-retailers and farmers across Canada are implementing 4R Nutrient Stewardship, which is an approach that has been demonstrated to increase crop production while protecting our environment.”

The Fertilizer Use Survey provides comprehensive, best available data for commercial fertilizer use and management practices. Since 2014, the Fertilizer Use Survey has provided a credible source of information on fertilizer practices and trends across Canada. The survey also examines the adoption of 4R Nutrient Stewardship related to crop type, region, soil practices, and farm size. Additionally, the survey offers a comparison of science-based practices shown to reduce environmental impacts, comparing the adoption of 4R Nutrient Stewardship with crop performance and environmental stewardship. These comparisons utilize statistically significant metrics that support our organizations in our achievements and aid in keeping both grower members and decision-makers informed and aware.

Fertilizer Canada and our partners – Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA), Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO), Ontario Agri-Business Association (OABA), Christian Farmers of Ontario (CFFO), Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), Manitoba Crop Alliance, Saskatchewan Wheat, and Alberta Wheat Commission – will continue to work with Status Ag Research to facilitate the survey utilizing their robust, unbiased grower database and vast experience doing agricultural market research. Their team has extensive experience working in this multi-faceted market by applying collective agri-business knowledge to generate the best possible information. Stratus does a great job of transforming reams of complex research data into helpful information that Fertilizer Canada, and our partners, can put into action.

“The Fertilizer Use Survey highlights the great work growers are currently doing to implement 4R Best Management Practices,” said Mike Weddel, President of Stratus Ag Research. For example, 4R practices such as banding Phosphorus fertilizers are being implemented by over 90% of canola growers in Western Canada. In Ontario, we are also seeing an increasing trend for corn growers applying their Nitrogen Fertilizer in-crop moving from 50% in 2015 to 60% in 2020.”

“Manitoba Crop Alliance is proud to partner with Fertilizer Canada and the other organizations involved in the Fertilizer Use Survey,” says Fred Greig, Chair, Manitoba Crop Alliance. “The Fertilizer Use Survey is an indicator on the good work our producers are doing, and with the expansion to include additional crops in Western Canada (wheat, flax, sunflowers and corn), we have an even better benchmark to work towards our goal of having 30 million acres implementing 4R Practices by 2025.”

“Grain Farmers of Ontario is a long-time supporter of the 4R program. The fertilizer use survey is an important tool to help us understand Ontario grain farmers’ awareness and adoption of 4R Nutrient Stewardship, while also shedding light on some of the advancements the agriculture industry has made with technology, research, and agronomy to manage nutrients on the farm,” said Crosby Devitt, CEO, Grain Farmers of Ontario.

“The data from the survey will allow us to gain a further understanding of how wheat farmers in Alberta are managing fertilizer decisions, plus help direct future extension and research initiatives. We view this as an opportunity to grow and further increase fertilizer efficiencies in wheat production, as well as limit our environmental footprint,” Said Todd Hames, Alberta Wheat Commission Chair.

“The Fertilizer Use Survey documents sustainable practices canola farmers are using currently and provides a benchmark to measure improvement over time,” says Mike Ammeter, Chair of Canadian Canola Growers Association. “The resulting knowledge can enhance the economic and environmental sustainability of canola farming in the future.”

Within our Strategic Plan, Fertilizer Canada member companies have set a target goal of having 30 million acres implementing 4R practices, measured through the Fertilizer Use Survey by 2025. Fertilizer Canada is looking forward to continuing this work with our partners to collect crop-specific fertilizer use data, supporting our shared economic and environmental sustainability goals.

Source : Fertilizer Canada

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